A Dystopian Series
Dystopia is not a place any of us wants to go. But…some of us enjoy reading about other people living in dystopian societies. You can do just that with these
Darrell Winfrey
Dystopia is not a place any of us wants to go. But…some of us enjoy reading about other people living in dystopian societies. You can do just that with these
What are you looking for? Free disasters? Free dystopias? What about disaster-free dystopias? Or free dystopian disasters? Whatever your taste, you just might find it here. https://books.bookfunnel.com/lastditchpress1/5y8p14e1nq
Some stories are not just about the world-ending event. They are also about looking out for the friends and loved ones standing by your side. Survival also means trusting them
You should jump into a great zombie series just in time for the witching season. Here are a few to whet your appetite. https://books.bookfunnel.com/zombieseriesstarters/5yoyhzucjp
You can’t escape the end of the world if you’re living in it. Thankfully, that won’t be happening any time soon. In the meantime, you read about it happening to
A mysterious disease spreads throughout the nations of the world. The infection is difficult to detect and affects the behavior of healthy people as much as those infected. Many show